What Are the Different Types of Stretching Techniques?
Stretching can be done in variety of ways and we are all aware of, or have heard of, the significance of stretching. It can help improve athletic performance, overall fitness and health, and pain and tension relief. However, we are unaware of the variety of stretching techniques available and how each one serves a unique purpose for our bodies. Knowing the distinctions between these stretching techniques can assist you in determining which one is most appropriate for you.
Read on to learn about the various types of stretches and when to perform them to ensure that your body receives the best results possible.
5 Stretching Techniques
1) Dynamic Stretching
Dynamic Stretching is the most popular stretching type nowadays. Most people who are into sports use this type of stretching, particularly for warming up. It consists of stretching your muscles while you are moving, either through leg swings or by performing sports-specific drills, for example. When performing these stretches, you should incorporate sequences of continuous movements that are similar to those that you will do during your workout session.

2) Static Stretching
Most people consider the terms “passive stretching” and “static stretching” the same and interchangeably used when referring to stretching techniques. Even so, there are others who truly think that there is a difference between the two. When you do Static Stretching on your muscles, you are stretching them to their maximum length and holding them there, whereas Passive Stretching involves an individual assuming a relaxed position while an external factor (either a person or a device) moves the joint through its range of motion.
3) Active Stretching
This refers to the type of stretch in which you contract the muscle in opposition to the one being stretched on your own. You are not utilizing your own body weight, gravity, another individual, or a device. As one muscle is lengthened and the other is contracted, they are performing opposing functions. Active stretching improves active flexibility while also strengthening the agonistic muscles (muscles that oppose movement)

4) Passive Stretching
Passive Stretching is a type of stretch where you take a relaxed position and hold it with another part of your body or with the help of a partner or some other equipment. This is great for improving your balance as well as your overall flexibility. Additionally, it is excellent for “cooling down” following an exercise routine and eases post-workout muscle fatigue and soreness.
5) Ballistic Stretching
Ballistic Stretching is the most contentious type of exercise. The procedure entails rapid and abrupt movements. Athletes are the most frequent users of this stretch. Performing this type of stretching is not recommended for everyone because it can cause injury. This stretching method is most effective when performed by those who have received proper training from athletic coaches and professionals.

When we better understand the various types of stretching, we can see that they all have the aim to increase the range of motion of our body. All of us are aware that we should stretch – and that doing so in a safe and effective manner will help you achieve your health and wellness objectives.
Stretching slowly and comfortably can help alleviate spasms in muscles that are recovering from an injury. Clearly, you should consult with your healthcare provider first to determine whether stretching the injured muscles is safe.
Experience expert guidance in stretching at its finest by booking at Medisprint Physiotherapy today!
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